KIN KEI COMPANY was established in 1973 and started its handbag factory since 2002 to manufacture and export ODM and OEM design fashion handbags, designer bags, wallets, multi-function bags e.g. handbags with protective compartments for iPad, Laptop and camera, diaper bags, evening bags, cosmetics bag, promotional bag. Our products comply to European standards and our factory is verified by UL.
Kin Kei Company’s main markets are United States, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Netherlands, Spain, Canada and Australia. We also provide design service based on custom requirements for all kinds of bags.
Hong Kong is home to our headquarters and showroom. Our factory is located in Foshan, China, with over 30 skilled professional workers and sample makers working in our factory, therefore, high quality can be ensured and guaranteed to our customers. In these years, we have invested and upgraded our facilities and workmanship of our production line and sample development department in our factory.
We are currently developing our international teams in US, UK and Australia, aims to offer our international clientele quality and research, combined with an exceptional value for pricing.
With our high quality control team advance technology and catering for the customers’ needs and offering competitive pricing, we make our company grow rapidly in sales.
Understanding the importance of sustainable fashion, we cooperate with eco-friendly material suppliers to produce bags with their non-toxic materials. Please feel free to check with us further if you wish to develop bags with eco-friendly material.